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Kuaishou’s revenues have soared in recent years, reaching 25bn yuan ($3.6bn) in the first six months of 2023, up by nearly half on the previous year. Just over two-thirds of this came from what the firm calls “live-stream gifting”. It hosted nearly 1bn live-streaming sessions in that period, taking a cut on “tips” that viewers shower on their favourite live-streamers. A tip can be as small as 10 fen (1.5 cents) or as generous as 2,000 yuan. Performers film themselves singing, dancing, otherwise prancing or just sunbathing. (Pornography is strictly prohibited.) New stars can expect to fork half of their tips over to the platform.






Figures released on January 14th revealed that euro-zone industrial production fell by 3.3% year-on-year in November.114日公布的數據顯示,去年11月歐元區的工業產值同比下降3.3%


環比增長率=(本期數-上期數)/上期數×100% 反映本期比上期增長了多少;環比發展速度,一般是指報告期水平與前一時期水平之比,表明現象逐期的發展速度。英文用month-on-month/quarter-on-quarter





Shower我們比較熟悉的用法是“淋浴”: [ VN ] ~ sb with sth~ sth on sb to give sb a lot of sth 大量地給,注意下搭配:

He showered her with gifts./ He showered gifts on her. 他送給她許多禮物。


之前我們接觸過Fork out: PHRASAL VERB If you fork out for something, you spend a lot of money on it. (為某事物) 大把掏錢,比如:

Visitors to the castle had to fork out for a guidebook.參觀城堡的游客得為一本旅游指南掏很多錢。



Cut: N-SING Someone's cut of the profits or winnings from something, especially ones that have been obtained dishonestly, is their share. 份額

Take a cut可以當做固定搭配使用,再比如:

The agency is expected to take a cut of the money awarded to its client.這家代理商理應從獎給其客戶的錢中抽取它的一份。


live-stream gifting直播打賞,或者tips;

下一段還用了sponsor: [ VN ] ( of a company, etc. 公司等 ) to pay the costs of a particular event, programme, etc. as a way of advertising 贊助(活動、節目等)

sports events sponsored by the tobacco industry 由煙草業贊助的體育賽事



Prance /pr?ns/: V-I If someone prances around, they walk or move around with exaggerated movements, usually because they want people to look at them and admire them. 大搖大擺地走; 神氣活現地走,比如:

The lead singer was prancing around with the microphone.首席歌手手執麥克風,神氣地走來走去。

Pornography /p???nr?fi/: ( also informal porn ) [ U ] ( disapproving ) books, videos, etc. that describe or show naked people and sexual acts in order to make people feel sexually excited, especially in a way that many other people find offensive 淫穢作品;色情書刊(或音像制品等);


Amid this exuberance two threats loom. The first comes from China’s increasingly hands-on regulators. In November they mandated that video apps like Kuaishou impose daily and monthly limits on the amount that users can tip live-streamers. Moreover, to prevent impressionable minors from being coaxed into sponsoring cunning broadcasters, platforms have been instructed to perform tougher background checks on users with such tools as facial-recognition technology. Bureaucrats in Beijing have yet to work out precisely what Kuaishou’s daily and monthly ceilings ought to be. But growth will probably slow down once the details are hashed out.




Exuberance /?ɡ?zu?b?r?ns/此處表示“繁榮”,形容詞形式是exuberant /?ɡ?zju?b?r?nt/:ADJ If you are exuberant, you are full of energy, excitement, and cheerfulness. 充滿活力的


So the exuberant young girl with dark hair and blue eyes decided to become a screen actress.  因此,這個充滿活力的年輕黑發碧眼女孩決定成為一名熒屏演員。

下文的Effervescent /?ef??vesnt/是它的近義表達: ( approving ) ( of people and their behaviour 人或其行為 ) excited, enthusiastic and full of energy 興高采烈的;熱情洋溢的;充滿活力的


Loom: to appear important or threatening and likely to happen soon 顯得突出;逼近,比如:

There was a crisis looming. 危機迫在眉睫。

Another government spending crisis is looming in the United States.


The threat of renewed civil war looms ahead. 新一輪內戰的威脅在逼近。

它的形容詞也是個高頻詞, looming:

(of something unwanted or unpleasant) about to happen soon and causing worry 即將發生的(不期望發生的,不好的事情)


Approachingcoming nearer in distance or time. 比如:

An approaching car 開過來的車

UpcomingADJ Upcoming events will happen in the near future. 即將發生的,比如:
